Blue Zones Lessons for Navigating Covid-19

Research by Gallup shows that only about 30% of people actually like their job, and that's a really important area for happiness because you spend most of your waking hours working (even if it is from home during Covid 19). So, you ask yourself how do you find a job that really speaks to your passions or purpose?

Purpose is just one of the 9 elements that Nick Buettner and his brother Dan talk about in the Blue Zones research - research into the world's longest-lived cultures that live longer, better. So much of their travels, explorations and research can inform how we explerience life both personally and professionally.

In this week's podcast on the Theatre of U Nick explains how cycling became a passion in his childhood, the research of bluezones and the lessons he's learnt that have made him make a 10 degree shift in his own health and happiness.

Tune in and listen to our discussion here or on iTunes or stitcher

  • "What do you like to do?"

  • "What are you good at doing?"

  • "What allows you to live out your values?"

  • "What can you give back?"

  • "Who do you like working with most?"

Here are five questions for you to ponder as well:

During the interview Nick answers five questions from the Cards for Uniqueness Deck - you'll love the insights he shares!




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